My Kindred Spirit...for anyone who has ever loved a horse
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Mazaska, MY Kindred Spirit

    KShorses/mazi.jpg    Kindredspirits/ksmazi.jpg

"Mazaska" is a personal favorite! She came into my life as a four-month old filly, owned by a friend. Her sire is a Dutch Warmblood; her dam, a BLM horse. When the mare was 3 1/2 years old, the friend agreed to sell her to me for a song. My life will never be the same! We have already shared amazing times together, with many more ahead. Her markings made her Kindred Spirit challenging and colorful! It hangs on the wall with "Ronnie" and I am regularly reminded of my love of horses and


I will be honored to assist you…God Bless! ><>